四平市老白酒厂 联系电话:0434-3333199 联系地址:吉林省四平市铁东区民主路31号


Chinese liquor is one of the six most famous distilled liquors in the world (the remaining five are brandy, whiskey, rum, vodka and gold).


Chinese liquor is much more complex in technology than distilled liquor in other countries in the world. There are many kinds of raw materials, different kinds of liquor and different styles. The names of liquor are also varied. Compared with distilled liquor from other countries in the world, Chinese liquor has special characteristics and flavors.

中国白酒无色透明;各种香型的酒各有特色,香气馥郁、纯净、溢香好,余香不尽;口味醇厚柔绵,甘润清冽,酒体谐调,回味悠久,能够给人以极佳的口感。 再者,中国白酒的酒精度较高,多数在40度以上。这么高度数的酒在世界其他国家是罕见的。

Chinese liquor is colorless and transparent; all kinds of liquor have their own characteristics, with rich, pure, spicy aroma and endless aftertaste; its taste is mellow and soft, mellow and clear, its body is harmonious, and its aftertaste is long, which can give people an excellent taste. Moreover, the alcohol content of Chinese liquor is higher, mostly above 40 degrees. Such a high number of alcoholic drinks is rare in other countries of the world.

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四平市老白酒厂 联系电话:0434-3333199 联系地址:吉林省四平市铁东区民主路31号